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Summer 2017

Two (2) NSF awards were made during August 2017, to support work on Wearable Learning Systems and Big Data


Spring 2017

Two (2) NSF awards were made during January and April of 2017, to support work on Wearable Learning System and Detecting Affect and Grit Using Computer Vision.


Summer 2016

Three (3) NSF awards were made during July 2016, to support work on Wearables for Computational Thinking; Affect in Math Tutoring Systems; and Northeast Alliance on Educational Data Mining for Capacity building

Spring 2016

Empathy and Growth Mindset affective messages delivered by pedagogical avatars DO make a difference in math learning and affective experiences, according to our latest analyses!

Spring 2015

Woolf and Arroyo get awarded an NSF grant to commercialize MathSpring tutoring software

May 2014

We ran studies to test our cyberwatches with 4rd graders as part of Leigh Rountree’s masters thesis. Children played the Math Scavengers Hunt in an afterschool program in Shrewsbury, MA

November 2014

Studies, studies, studies... We ran studies to test our cyberwatches with 3rd graders in the context of the Tangrams Race game. We preparing for a study with 120 children in California, trying Metacognitive Approaches to repair students’ negative affective states.

October 2014

We have new super cool Cyberwatches! They will be used soon in Schools around Worcester area. We had great response from teachers, and are working towards implementation of studies this fall.


We are also planning a large study for November to test the Student Progress Page as a metacognitive intervention to address student boredom and unexcitement as they learn within MathSpring.

September 2014

IQP team of six undergraduate students have started working with two IMGD students (Yuting and Leigh_ and one LS&T graduate student, to create a new generation of immersive technologies for mathematics education. We are moving from Cyberhoodies to Cyberbackpacks and now to Cyberwatches.

August 2014

Yuting Liu came back from China, and brought back results and movies showing that an educational games “active learning” intervention that simulates the arm-band technology, as part of an experiment involving 100 first graders in Chinese schools, improves learning and motivation compared to controls that were taught in a traditional instructivist manner.

July 2014

We submitted and got accepted EIGHT (8) articles in conferences and journals this year. Congratulations to everybody!

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