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Arroyo, I.;  Cooper, D.G; Burleson, W.;  Woolf, B. P.; Muldner, K.; Christopherson, R. (2009). Emotion Sensors Go To School.              Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. IOS Press.  BEST PAPER AWARD. 


Woolf, B.P., Burleson, W., Arroyo, I., Dragon, T., Cooper, D., Picard, R. (2009). Affect-aware tutors: recognising and responding to student affect. International Journal of Learning Technology 4 (3), 129-164.


Arroyo, I.; Woolf, B. (2005). Inferring learning and attitudes from a Bayesian Network of log file data Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Amsterdam, 2005.


Arroyo, I., Beck, J. E., Beverly Park Woolf, Beal, C. R., Klaus Schultz (2000) Macroadapting Animalwatch to gender and cognitive differences with respect to hint interactivity and symbolism.   Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems.  Montreal, Canada. June 2000. pp. 574-583. Published by Springer


Arroyo, I., Ferguson, K., Johns, J., Dragon, T., Meheranian, H., Fisher, D., Barto, A., Mahadevan, S., Woolf, B.P. (2007) Repairing Disengagement with Non-Invasive Interventions.  Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Education. IOS Press.


Arroyo, I., Schultz, S., Wixon, N., Muldner, K., Burleson, W., Woolf, B.P. (2016) Addressing Affective States with Empathy and Growth Mindset. The 6th International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments (PALE), in conjunction with ACM’s 24th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. Halifax, Canada, 2016.


Arroyo, I., Liu, Y., Wixon, N., Schultz, S. (2016)  Toward Embodied Game-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Zagreb, Croatia, 2016. 


Schultz, S., Wixon, N., Allesio, D., Muldner, K., Burleson, W., Woolf, B.P, Arroyo, I. (2016) 
Blinded by Science?: Exploring Affective Meaning in Students’ Own Words. The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Zagreb, Croatia, 2016. 


Wixon, N.; Schultz, S., Muldner, K., Allesio, D., Woolf, B.P, Burleson, W., Arroyo, I. (2016) “When the Going Gets Tough…”: Challenge, Emotions, & Difference of Perspective. The 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Zagreb, Croatia, 2016. 


Wixon, N.; Schultz, S., Allesio, D., Muldner, K., Burleson, W., Woolf, B.P, Arroyo, I. (2016) Internal & External Attributions for Emotions Within an ITS. Accepted to ACM’s 24th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. Halifax, Canada, July 2016.


Muldner, K., Wixon, M., Rai, D., Burleson, W., Woolf, B., Arroyo, I. (2015) Exploring the impact of a learning dashboard on student affect. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.


Woolf, B.P., Arroyo, I. (2015) A mentor for every student: One challenge for instructional software. IBM Special Issue on Education Technology. IEEE Publishing.


Arroyo, I., Woolf, B.P., Burleson, W., Muldner, K., Rai, D., Tai, M. (2014)  A Multimedia Adaptive Tutoring System for Mathematics that addresses Cognition, Metacognition and Affect. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence in Education.  Special Issue on “Landmark AIED Systems for STEM Learning”. 24:387–426


Wixon, M., Arroyo, I., Muldner, K., Burleson, W., Lozano, C., Woolf, B. (2014) The Opportunities and Limitations of Scaling Up Sensor-Free Affect Detection. To appear in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining.


Schultz, S., Arroyo, I. (2014) Tracing Knowledge and Engagement in Parallel in an Intelligent Tutoring System. To appear in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining.


Wixon, M., Arroyo, I. (2014) When the Question is Part of the Answer: Examining the Impact of Emotion Self-Reports on Student Emotion. To appear in Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization.


John, M.S., Arroyo, I., Zualkernan, I., Woolf, B.P. (2014) Culturally Aligned Pedagogical Agents for Mathematics Education. Fifth Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS2:A014). In conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Hawaii. 


Schultz, S.; Arroyo, I. (2014) Expanding Knowledge Tracing to Prediction of Gaming Behaviors. Workshop on “Approaching Twenty Years of Knowledge Tracing”. In conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. London, England.


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